Platy mickey mouse sunset
- Platy Fish: Types, Reproduction, Feeding, and Care Platy fish are the “old reliables” of the fish-keeping community. Introduced into the trade well over years ago, they’ve been captivating enthusiasts ever since. Thanks to their easy-going nature and general hardiness, these freshwater fish are an excellent choice for beginners. But due to the many varieties out See more.
- Sunset Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus) There are special types Platy fish like Mickey Mouse, panda, sunset, neon blue wag, black Hamburg, etc. You can also cross breed to make varieties.
- Platy – The Fish Keeping & Aquarium Guide. While the Xiphophorus maculatus is the most recognized Sunset Platy species, there are several other Platies within the Xiphophorus genus, each offering unique colors and patterns. Some .
- Platy FAQ’s Common types of Southern Platy are the Comet, Two-spot, Halfmoon, Moon, Salt and Pepper or Pepper and Salt, Coral, Blue Mirror, Bleeding Heart, and of course the popular .
Mickey mouse platys
Platy Fish: Types, Reproduction, Feeding, and Care
Platy sunset mickey mouse
Platy mickey mouse
Platy Fish: Types, Reproduction, Feeding, and Care | . |
Sunset Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus) | . |
Platy mickey mouse | . |
Mickey mouse platys | . |